شخصيا, لم يصلني أي بين كود من ثلاث فإليكم ما فعلت وقد حلت تلك الخطوات المشكلة.
- بعثت لجوجل برسالة علي الرابط التالي https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/request.py?search_ask=2&su
- الرسالة فحوها.. "Hello I am an AdSense publisher. Publisher ID: pub-123456789. Payment Type: Check - Secured Express Delivery ($24.00 ProcessingFee) I live in Egypt. Mobile telephone number +2010123456789 So far did not receive any PIN Code although it is the third time thatGoogle AdSense send it to my address. Google sent a PIN code on tow different addresses. I have asked the Egyptian postal service, they replied that they hadnot received any letter on my behalf or my address. What can I do?Or what can you do for me? Is there another way to receive the PIN code?Can you send a message to my mobile telephone containing the PIN codefor example? Please replied to me Thank you very much. Yamen Shaheen "
- فبعثو الي برسالة غير ذات معني..
- عملت ريبالي للرسالة"بعت نفس الرسالة لصاحبها" وأضفت الأتي...
- Hi adsens teamهاى . انا طلبت البين كود 3 مرات وكاتب المعلومات صح وحتى الان البين لسةموصلنيش وعاوز اعرف حل تمام ,ممكن أبعت صورة من البطاقة الشخصية لحل تلك المشكلة؟.Hi. I asked PIN code 3 times and the written information is true and yet still PIN not received and wants to know fully resolved,can i possible send a copy of an ID card to solve that problem?I have sent the following letter to you "HelloI am an AdSense publisher.Publisher ID: pub-123456789.Payment Type: Check - Secured Express Delivery ($24.00 ProcessingFee)I live in Egypt.Mobile telephone number +2010123456789So far did not receive any PIN Code although it is the third time thatGoogle AdSense send it to my address.Google sent a PIN code on tow different addresses.I have asked the Egyptian postal service, they replied that they hadnot received any letter on my behalf or my address.What can I do?Or what can you do for me?Is there another way to receive the PIN code?Can you send a message to my mobile telephone containing the PIN codefor example?Please replied to meThank you very much.Yamen Shaheen "
- بعثو لي برسالة هذه المرة مفيدة... Hi Yamen, Thanks for your response. I understand that you've been unable to receive your PIN. In order to resolve this issue, you have two options: 1. You can respond to this email and attach a digital image of a government issued ID card, bank statement, or telephone bill displaying your payee name and mailing address as it appears in your account. If you select this option, please note that we're only able to accept information printed in one of our supported languages. You can find a list of supported languages at https://www.google.com/support/adsense/bin/answer.py?answer=9727. 2. Alternatively, please review your address information and respond to this email. If there's an error in your address, you can update it by following these steps:- Log in to your AdSense account at https://www.google.com/adsense- Click the 'My Account' tab.- Under the 'Payee Information' section, click 'Edit'- Edit the appropriate address fields. Please note that the Country andPayee Name fields cannot be edited.- Click 'Save Changes'Once I receive your response, I'll be happy to send you another PIN by standard mail.
- واخيرا اتحلت المشكلة وبعتيلهم صورة البطاقة.
- رابط المراسلة لجوجل أدسنس للأهمية هو...
ضيف تعليق أذا كان عندك أي أسئلة أخري
شكرا لك حقيقي أنامنتظر Pin الأول من حوالي خمس أسابيع ولم يصلني شئ وأنت طمئنتني الآن وساجرب طريقتك إن شاء الله وسأقوم بإرسال طلب ثاني وثالث عسى أن يصلني شئ والله الموفق
يا تري وصلك البين كود يا ايمن ولا لاء
إرسال تعليق